Over SETX, a UFO? Unidentified light captured on video in Jasper

Digital depiction of UFO lights in the sky.

Photo provided/David Wall/Getty Images
A Texan took to YouTube to share a sighting of some sort of unidentified flying object in the sky this week over Jasper.

YouTube account SabineRelics recorded the footage from around 6 a.m. until 7:02 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17, prompting them to wonder whether they witnessed something otherworldly.
“Let’s just say it changed the way I’ll look at the world forever,” the YouTuber wrote in the video caption. “I took the garbage out to the road and when I turned around to go back in the house there was something in the sky. At first, I thought it was a star but quickly realized it was definitely in our atmosphere.”

“I thought well maybe it’s a drone or weather balloon,” the YouTuber continued. “But there was no sound and there were some colors coming off of it. At this point, I am just completely confused. Then it started doing some things that I’d never seen before. I immediately took out my camera put it up to the sky started filming and that was the very second my life changed.”
The footage is available below. More details about the sighting can be read in the video caption.

The comments on the video shared theories, ranging from the most likely answer of some sort of drone to thinking it could be a spy plane headed to the Middle East.

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