UFO over Tijuana reported in Mexican media.

Mexican news site Cadena News posted videos of some mysterious lights over Tijuana. The video shows a remarkable light display by what appears to be a disc-shaped object.

Cedena News reporter Alfredo Alvarez posted the videos on his YouTube site, and Cadena News then posted them on their site. The videos are titled “OVNI en Tijuana (UFO in Tijuana)” and “Otro OVNI en Tijuana (Other UFO in Tijuana). ”

Cars pulled over on the side of the road to check out the UFO over Tijuana. (Credit: YouTube/Afredo Alvarez)

There is no description provided for either video, and the Cadena News posts come with only slightly more information. The first story is titled (roughly translated) “UFO Recorded in Tijuana.”

The short paragraph provided with the video says the videos were posted by social network users, and gives the cross streets of the sighting as 10 de Mayo (means 10th of May – I know, weird street names) and Boulevard 2000.

The paragraph ends by pointing out: “Remember that UFO is not synonymous with alien.”


The video (above) shows a bright light in the night sky that seems to be pulsing. It then pans down to show what appear to be cars on the side of the road looking at the UFO.

The second Cadena News story, posted within an hour of the first, is titled “There are new UFO videos in Tijuana.” The only content in the story is: “Watch the video… it shows more detail of the strange object. What do you think? UFO.”

This video (seen at the top of this story) again shows a bright object in the night sky. Then, as the camera zooms in, you can begin to make out a shape. The object appears to be a disc-shape rocking back and forth. The object is also ringed with lights that seem to be moving, or performing some sort of display.

As the object rocks, it appears there are no lights on the top of the object, just on the bottom.

The mysterious object full of lights seen over Tijuana. (Credit: YouTube/Alfredo Alvarez)
People have been shocked in the past by balloons and kites that are covered with LEDs and make spectacular patterns as they float in the sky. The rocking movement of this object would be consistent with that possibility.


There is no information given as to what time the object was seen, or if the videos were taken at the same time. There is also no witness description or commentary. It would have been nice if Alvarez provided a little more info.

The video is still interesting, and has some baffled. As the Huffington Post UK wrote, “Normally at this point we’d say ‘experimental military aircraft’ and then smugly close the case, but in this instance we’re not so sure.”

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