Unidentified flying object seen with “spinning fiery thrusters”: US officer speculates that it might be alien

The UFO footage went viral again after Cuban journalist, Juan Manuel Cao, shared the video on his AmericaTeVe Miami channel and it has sparked speculation it could be alien

A mystery UFO with “spinning fiery thrusters” has been spotted as a US officer has claimed it could be alien.

The footage has sent shockwaves through the UFO community and appears to show an unknown craft similar in shape and design to spaceships seen in the hit film Independence Day.

The UFO-like object also seems to have a fiery thruster on the back that burns with different intensities.


Former US Intelligence Officer, Colonel Octavio Pérez appeared on the show to add his thoughts to the clip.

He said the aircraft possibly uses an anti-gravitational system, suggesting it could be extraterrestrial or a spy plane adapted from alien technology.

One viewer commented: “Those US military ships using alien technology are everywhere.”

Another said: “At first it looks blurry, but then the object becomes very clear. It is one of the best images I have ever seen.”

Monterey UFOs remarked: “Amazing!”


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